Fscj Kent Campus Map
Fscj kent campus jacksonville fl 32205.
Fscj kent campus map. Kent campus advisors student resources career development life fscj academic advising downtown campus advisors kent campus advisors north campus advisors south campus advisors deerwood center advisors academic advising faqs contact information career planning florida shines recommendations to faculty for counseling intervention student assistance program evaluate your course s and instruction. Jacksonville florida 32205 the library learning commons is located in room c100. 20 west housing athletics fitness centers student life leadership volunteerism clas food pantry. Get directions reviews and information for fscj kent campus in jacksonville fl.
Michael turnquist llc manager. Home student services life fscj. South campus 11901 beach boulevard jacksonville fl 32246 904 646 2111 see the fire academy of the south and ems training center map on the back building a duplicating center receiving department sciences labs building b adult education bookstore classrooms labs building c chemistry and physics labs faculty offices math department building d biology labs botany labs campus operations faculty offices building e asl computer labs and faculty offices digital media building f. Kent campus 3939 roosevelt boulevard jacksonville fl 32205 home kent campus.
Get directions reviews and information for fscj kent campus in jacksonville fl. Student resources career development life fscj. 904 381 3525 previous. Kent campus map and directions 3939 roosevelt blvd.
Campus tours deerwood center downtown campus kent campus north campus south campus administrative offices advanced technology center nassau center cecil center urban. Menu reservations make reservations. Kent campus 3939 roosevelt boulevard jacksonville fl 32205 904 381 3400 building a administrative services assessment certification center campus president s office classrooms faculty offices building b art labs business office career development careersource classrooms faculty offices financial aid student services building c computer classrooms and labs classrooms faculty offices library and learning commons building d accounting and business studies child care. Academic advising trio student support services.